
Statistics since I started this blog
Statistics Won Lost K D A Win Rate Elo difference
TOP 7 8 101 70 128 47% - 11
MID 5 4 56 47 79 56% + 19
AD 3 4 40 26 62 43% - 9
SUPPORT 7 3 13 31 141 70% + 57
JUNGLE 10 5 66 64 133 67% + 72
TOTAL 32 24 276 238 543 57% + 128
AVERAGE 4,93 4,25 9,69

Monday 11 June 2012

Great volley for the win in the first half

K/D/A - 3/0/10
CS - 73
TIME - 20:20
ELO - 936 (+12)

The score says it all. Great game. Finaly people listened to me in the pick.

Our first pick was Pantheon, than Cho jungle, Morgana and since i was the last pick i thought i was gonna support. But a miracle happened and the guy above me took  support Blitz. I asked for alistar, cause i wanted to have more cc, since we already have morgana, cho and panth. And the amazing happened again. He picked alistar for me.

They had picked Malphite, Amumu, Lux and Janna. I was waiting for their last pick so that i know what spells i'm gonna use, and what items to buy. Their last pick was Yi! This time the noob was in their team!

And the game started. Morgana suggested we invade their bluea and i was thinking "bitch please, that goes wrong every time". But they insisted and went to invade so i  joined. Unfortunatly for her, Lux was in the bush as we enterd so we stomped her even though she flashed. FB for me.
    We go in the lane  and YI used alpha strike on me so i start to voley him and turned on my Q. Another kill! Yeah right. The gods of  good scores dont love me that much. So my FPS drops to 6, than to 0 and everything freezes. If i just had that axe with me. I would be writing this post now from the internet cafe. But a good thing happens!
   It unfroze and i was under their turret with 20% HP. I run out of there but my alistar died. Blood and milk everywhere. Horrible sight.

  So i go b and buy 2 Doran blades kill yi and assist on ganks all the time. Ulti like it was my last one. Man it feels great to see them facechecking the bush and geting that arrow straight in the face. And so we stomp them while i get assists instead of kills, but i dont care as long as we win. And we won, cause they surrendered. For the first time in so many ranked games i had a good team.

Yeah right sucker! You just full of crap. Picture or it didn't happen! 


  1. even if you disconnected, having 70 cs after 20 minutes as the ad carry is bad, especially considering they had no enemy ad carry so its free farm
    for getting higher elo i suggest you to take some pubstomper (champions that if get fed can almost win 1 vs 5, like akali tryndamere darius mordekaiser)
    i used to be 1000 elo in season 1 and i though that elo hell was unbeteable, but now i'm 1550 and i keep rising, and when i get a 4 vs 5 streak and go back at 1400, i literally tear apart everyone and get back at my usual elo

  2. I know that. I really don't pay enough attention to cs, instead i like to roam around searching for ganks or preventing some. That's why I added a optimal cs difference on the newer posts. So that i can see am i improving regarding that cs. Thank you for commenting :)
    I'll try to play pubstompers, but the issue is that i'm often last pick so i have to adjust to it.

  3. trust me, its much better farm than roam. the first reason is that the ad carry is the role that scales the most with gold, so early game your purpose is to get most gold as possible
    the second reason is that a gank mid require at least 1 minute, 1 minute is 2 minion waves, and 2 minion waves are roughly 250 gold, almost as a kill; so its a situation high risk poor reward, not very good. the only situation where you should gank is when your mid is losing badly, the enemy mid overextend like no tomorrow, your jungler braindead or afkfarming in jungle and your lane is pushed enough to allow you to gank: dont happen often in 1300+ elo
    also at your elo you dont really need to follow the meta, even 2 top or double ad carry work if you know what you do

  4. I will try to improve my CS, but it's still hard for me too find good balance between harassing and cs. Cause when i harass i miss several creeps.But with more games it will improve i hope.
