
Statistics since I started this blog
Statistics Won Lost K D A Win Rate Elo difference
TOP 7 8 101 70 128 47% - 11
MID 5 4 56 47 79 56% + 19
AD 3 4 40 26 62 43% - 9
SUPPORT 7 3 13 31 141 70% + 57
JUNGLE 10 5 66 64 133 67% + 72
TOTAL 32 24 276 238 543 57% + 128
AVERAGE 4,93 4,25 9,69

Sunday 17 June 2012

No cooperation= No victory!

K/D/A - 5/2/6
CS -  146  (-200)
TIME -  34 : 31
ELO -  990 (-12)

And down again.

So how did that happen?

I was laning vs. Sion. Won my lane. I had 4-0-2 but the problem was that my team fed on  all lanes. Especially  Sivir at bot. All the time i was listening "Your ally has been slain. Double kill.  Triple Kill" and etc. She got fed so hard.

So i tried to save the game and started helping them by giving them advice and tips. Telling when to go back  or engage etc.

The problem was they didn't listen at all. They just kept feeding. And at one point my cass even said "STFU. You are not our leader. Just STFU NOOB" . I am noob when wining my lane and she fed annie. Sure.


1) When you  see someone from your team with good score and wining his lane listen to what he's talking. He is probably right.

2) I can't stress how important this is!! Always focus their carry. In this case it was Sivir. And you  must make your team agree on the same target. Or you  will  end up like me where i jump on  Sivir and cass is focusing annie while  graves is fighting with maokai. We all die in vain.

3) Group focus. Pick one fed target and smash her. Without their damage dealer you  can win the fight. Otherwise no chance.

The tips sum up  what happened.  They wouldn't listen and couldn't focus Sivir. If she died we would've won a fight or two and probably the match.

No cooperation= No victory!

More tips:

4) When in lane against Leona. Don't be like a freakin ward. Move around. Don't make a repeating pattern so that she intercepts you  with her spells. Don't let her autoattack you  for that stun. And when runing don't run in  a straight line. She won't miss that ulti when you  just run  straight. Move a bit.

5) Playing as Sona.  When 2 or 3 enemy players come in front of you ulti them. Don't save that ult and eventually die without using it. Your ults can make or break a game. Time them well.

Sad picture:


  1. Whats up! I like the idea behind your blog. my tips for you is just keep on farming (some wraiths or some creeps when the laning phase is over, because if you stop winning gold you cant keep doing damage, anda pantheon is a champion that cant fall behind.

    Secret tip: ping instead of writing in chat, i dont know why ppl react faster it seems to me.

  2. Thanks man. I ping all the time but usually they just ingore it so i write and ping. Sometimes it helps, but sometimes i get feedback like that.

    And i'm trying to improve that farming in every game :)
