
Statistics since I started this blog
Statistics Won Lost K D A Win Rate Elo difference
TOP 7 8 101 70 128 47% - 11
MID 5 4 56 47 79 56% + 19
AD 3 4 40 26 62 43% - 9
SUPPORT 7 3 13 31 141 70% + 57
JUNGLE 10 5 66 64 133 67% + 72
TOTAL 32 24 276 238 543 57% + 128
AVERAGE 4,93 4,25 9,69

Friday 6 July 2012


Hi All!

I'm back again!

I'm still  int he middle of exams so  i didn't have too  much time to keep updating my blog but it's gonna be done next week. I've played several  games on  which  i  didn't get total  info so i will  only post champs i played and their match  outcome (won/lost).

Must say that i got in between 1090 and 1100  about 4 times, but somehow i always got pushed down. That match  for over 1100 is the hardest one. For some reason  in that match  i  always get guys that didn't even learn champion  abilities not to mention their gamplay. So hard to carry. Same thing happend with matches for 1000. Dunno why, but those matches were pretty similar. Maybe just my imagination.

Anyhow, i need more matches in order to rise more, but no  time for them right now. College somes first after all. I'll keep updating my matches during this and the next week.

Oh yeah, i've updated stats also. Currently i'm at 1050 elo.

So let's start with champs:


                                            2-1                        1-2                     1-0






                                             0-1                     1-0                      1-1


                                                          1-0                        0-1

Monday 25 June 2012


I am so freakin unlucky.

I picked nocturne and had a ggreat success in  ganking. 2-0-4 was my score and then i got disconnected. After 5 minutes of trying to reconnect cause my client wouldn't load and crashed all  the time i got in the game. I was 6 levels below them and I had a feeder Nasus in team.

Died 2 times cause it lags so hard that i only saw particles runing around the map, and my nocturne didn't have an animation but instead he slided to the side. Can't see hitpoints  and if i come close to more players everything just freezes.

I decided to leave cause we already had 2 inhibs down and there was no  way in  hell  I could play with this lag.

So here we go down again.


K/D/A - 2/2/5
CS -   114 (-56)
TIME -  22 (~5 minutes DC)
ELO -  1035 (-13) 

Sunday 24 June 2012

Duo win

Hi again!

I have duoQueued 2 games with my buddy logiX Akayso who  is currently on 2298 ELO. Of course he played on  a smurf with Ryze.

Since he's a mid player he took Ryze in both games we played and ruined the mid wtih  his massive CS  and overall great gameplay.  We won both games.

Did I mention he experimented on the  build?  ^^

So i  played Janna in both games since i was last pick. I think  i did ok. The first game was a bit harder cause I had Ezreal on  my lane  that really didn't know how to last hit. Like really really. Totaly.

Their Corki had more than double the farm he had. And that's like bad.

The second game  was much  easier since  this time i had Ezreal that farmed. He did seem to get upset when i used  my Q on  the minion wave so that he can easier last hit. But nvm that. Overall good game, with Akayso carying and i think  i did pretty decent with Janna.

Also Akayso has his own stream so  check  it out:

More pictures coming soon:

K/D/A - 1/7/27
CS -  9  (-80)
TIME -  ?
ELO -  1034 (+13)

K/D/A - 0/0/9
CS -  12  (-80)
TIME -  ?
ELO -  1048 (+14)

Losing streak

Well hello.

i'm not in the mood too write too  much since these games really exhausted me to the max. I lost 5 in a row thanks to huge feeding and bad team composition. And even when we have a great composition we don't use it cause someone dies  while facechecking.

Well here are minor details, I'll put more when i get more time.

K/D/A - 7/9/18
CS -  140  (-290)
TIME -   43
ELO -  1071 ( -12)

This was one of those matches when you  do your best but you  just can carry that. I gave them a really reat start. We got FB and SB.  And we had 5-0 after i ganked top. Who could've wanted more?  But the Sion happened.

I mean that guy is so  bad to play against if you  don't know what you're  doing.

He is a one way champ. Predictable. He will farm and try to get a kill  until  he get's his Doran ring or maybe 2 + Boots of mobility. Then he will  roam searching for kills. You easily counter that by warding.

I warded bot, top and mid, but i didn't help  at all  and Sion got fed cause players in  this elo  have no  map awareness.

Rule No.1! Always keep  an eye on the map!

We really head a great combo team but  they just didn't know how to use it. We lost cause no one could focus Sion except me. GG.

K/D/A - 7/5/6
CS -  224  (-156)
TIME -   38
ELO -  1059 (-12)

I really hate ezreal and he should be banned!


People feed him  in  every game i played against him. And that's a lost game cause at this elo  players don't know how to focus. So he just sits back  and deals damage Why everyone dies and he gets fed more. Really no  point in talking about this any more now. Gonna say more about it in tips post. You can realize what happened.

K/D/A - 3/6/6
CS -  122  (-118)
TIME -  ~23 minutes
ELO -  1046 ( -13 ) 

 I was second pick  and took Panth. my third pick locked in Irelia for the troll purpose. So i had to jungle even though i never jungled Panth before. I did really good but i just couldn't save that top where Irelia fed Vlad and our mid where Ahri got fed. Of course They managed to feed Ezreal also  so  it was a hard defeat. 

K/D/A - 1/5/6
CS -  29
TIME -   20
ELO -  1034 ( -12)

We won  out bot lane vs corki, but our Jax at top had 2-13. He just fed and fed, and our mid was also bad while out jungling Panth said he doesn't gank before 6. You  know how that went. Another  game, another loss.

K/D/A - 0/4/7
CS -  158  (-92)
TIME -  ~25 minutes
ELO -  1021 (-13)

Top vs LEE

Couldn't kill him  but he also  couldn't kill  me so we just farmed, but my teammates were feeding hard and not even my ults helped. I had 0-0-4 and then they just stomped us cause our team didn't have any damage except morde. Lost.

I really have to get my head straight and start wining cause this doesn't look good.

I was too  occupied with the bad pverall play of my team instead of improving mine. I would say that maybe I could've won some of these games if I was better, but there just wasn't any chance of wining these games no matter how good i played. But it's gonna get better soon ;)

Saturday 23 June 2012

AFK for a few days

Hi everyone!

Sry for not posting lately. So where was  I?

Well i had a ton  of exams so I didn't have time to play  too much, and that which i played i didn't post cause it takes time to write something and i didn't have it.

That's why I'm gonna put them all  the games I played since my last post into this  one. Won't describe it much  cause i kinda forgot what happened ^^

So let's start !

K/D/A - 4/3/7
CS -  84  (-139)
TIME -   ~23
ELO -  1018 (+14)

Dunno what happened.

K/D/A - 2/3/9
CS -  200  (-200)
TIME -   ~40
ELO -  1032 (+14) 


K/D/A - 5/7/7
CS -  133  (-163)
TIME -   ~30
ELO -  1020 (-12) 

Oh i remember this one. Taric the feeder on my lane. He got pulle by blitz every time and smashed to death by Vayne. just couldn't carry that game.

K/D/A - 0/2/0
CS -  ?
TIME -   20
ELO -  1006 (-14)  

This is getting a  seperate section at the end.

K/D/A - 2/0/3
CS -  ?
TIME -   20
ELO -  1017 (+11)  

Played Blitz really good and we destroyed bot. They surrendered at 20.

K/D/A - 6/1/6
CS -  ?
TIME -   ?
ELO -  1031 (+14)

Ganked all lanes  and carried them.

K/D/A - 1/6/26
CS -  ?
TIME -   ?
ELO -  1044 (+13)

I had an Ashe  with me didn't hit not even 1 ulti the entire game. Not even 1 !. God. I just couldn't believe it. Barely saved that game.

K/D/A - 4/4/8
CS -  ?
TIME -   ?
ELO -  1057 (+13)

Have no idea.

K/D/A - 5/9/16
CS -  ?
TIME -   ?
ELO -  1046 (-11)

Again. No idea. 

K/D/A - 5/3/23
CS -  ?
TIME -   ?
ELO -  1057 (+11)

Oh i remember this one. Thank god for my well timed CC cause my team just couldn't focus anyone. So i waited for the right oportunity to get that carry out of their team.

K/D/A - 7/1/4
CS -  107  (-143)
TIME -  25 minutes
ELO -  1070 (+13)

Stomped lane vs Sion and the whole game in total.

K/D/A - 1/2/17
CS -  ?
TIME -   20
ELO -  1083 (+13)

Played really good  with Vayne. Quite deadly combo  i must say. They surrendered at 20.

And now the Morde game.

So why 0-2-0? The picture will  say enough.

So the first guy troll banned and then picked Twitch . Since my team saw that he trolls they also trolled with Eve and Teemo which fed about 0-21 in total. I forgot to take a picture at the end cause i was so pissed. But i gueyy this is also  a part of the game. 

At least the Twitch  guy had a pizza.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Over 1000!


Thanks guys! I really appreciate the interest you  have shown in my blog.

Several people added me on EU West  to spectate my games  and to ask for advice and they say that it's a good way to learn and see some good and bad things and how to avoid them. There are even those that are too shy to ask on forums or here on blog so they ask privately :)

Therefore i invite all those that are interested in spectating or in need of some advice/tip/opinion to feel free to add me. I will help you if I can!

EU West

GL & HF!

Enchanted crystal victory

K/D/A - 11/4/19
CS -  203  (-217)
TIME -  42 : 43
ELO -  1004 (+14)

And up again!

Here I will  write more tips than text, cause  basicly they will  teell  what happened.

So i was with Nidalee support vs. Blitz and Sivir. My nidalee gave FB cause of one error that i see people doing alot.

I made a demonstration picture.

Red circle = You

Turquoise = Enemies in the first bush

Purple = Enemies in the second bush

So, what's going on?  You have warded the river and now you  are in the bush  as the red circle suggests. Your enemies can be in some of those bushes. The first or the second one. Now  you  wanna get back  i n your lane and you  go as the red arrow suggests.

That is a NO NO way. Cause if you go like that, they will intercept you  on the corner as the turquoise and purple arrows suggest. Now you  will either flash or just die. It's really bad in both ways. In you  managed to flash than you  are lucky. but most of the time they get FB like that.

So you  should go through the jungle entrance to you lane like the green arrow suggest so that you are safe from possible attacks.

 Other tips:

1) When playing as a tank like our Rammus your mission is to protect your carries. Never leave them alone with several enemie players.

2) Don't chase. Never chase. Especially if you have an enemy behind you. You will probably end up  dead.

3) Never chase and leave your allies fighting. If someone starts to run leave him and switch focus. By the time he gets back in the fight you  will  probably kill someone since you outnumber them.

4) Your carry is your precious! Protect him!

5) Don't engage on your own without the whole team there. It ends up really bad  in most cases.

6) When playing a carry. You must position yourself good. Never get in front of your team. Stay behind your team and  dish  out the dmg. Let your team engage first. Or if you are playing ashe engage with your ulti. But not at anytime. When you  see the enemy retreating a bit, use that chance and ulti. If possible ulti their carry.

7) When split pushing don't overextend and get caught. When you  see them coming to you or if everyone is missing go back.


8) Don't trade kills. If you  have a good score and chase someone who feed  to kill him and die while killing him, you  just end up  losing. Cause you are  worth more gold then he is. So trading is not efficient.

9) When you  ace them or kill a few. Push  mid and only mid. If you already did that o to Nexus! Don't go taking that top  or bot tower cause it's useless. It usually ends up with someone dying and eventually losing the game. Always go to finish as soon as possible. Don't drag the game unncessary!

I farmed, stayed back and dealt damage. We pushed to the nexus and  finished.

Picture cause it happened!